7) Ahmet ---- football every Sunday. ( play) 8) Wenn ----..our teeth twice a day. (brush) 9) They........ ------.football yesterday. (play) 10) My mother never....... er.coffee (drink) 11) Last year we - Rozwa new car.(buy) 12) 1........ ---TV in the evenings, (note watch) - 13) We... ..to music two hours ago, ( not listen) 14) She...... orto Antalya next summer. (not - go) 15) ...... you..sonra co to cinema yesterday? ( go ) 16) ---..you.... „TV everyday? (watch) 17) vo..she... TV everyday. ( watch) 18) vor you...*** TV next Sunday? (watch) 19) ......he........ .........cinema last night? ( go) 20) ......they.... .... tennis tomorrow? ( play) 21) What....... .....your father..... ---.every Sunday? ( do ) 22) What... ...your sister.ee -------..for lunch tomorrow? (cat) 23) What..., you yesterday? (do) 24) Mr. White sometimes..... er... to work by car. (go) 25) Mrs. Black..... ...to work by car yesterday. (go)
Arkadaşlar lütfen çook acil! Bos yazanı bildiririm. Yazdığım kısım fotoğraftakinin devamı.​

7 Ahmet Football Every Sunday Play 8 Wenn Our Teeth Twice A Day Brush 9 They Football Yesterday Play 10 My Mother Never Ercoffee Drink 11 Last Year We Rozwa New class=